• Just so you know...

    . . . today's wordcount is 13,212. I'm a little self-congratulatory right now, so bear with me. I may not be achieving this NaNoWriMo magic wholly on the manual typewriter, but I'm making sure to sling out a page here and there on the Olympia SF just to assuage my guilt.

    I can live with that.

    3 comments → Just so you know...

    1. That's awesome Monda, especially considering that I have a pretty fair idea of what your schedule looks like right now -- recovering for midterms, and panicking about the rush towards finals.

      There's something very gratifying about hitting a major milestone like 10K, and you've leapt right over it. I'm raising a type-bar salute in your direction.

    2. And there you sit with your 24k+. You're my inspiration, mister.

    3. It's all that Brigade Love.

      Also, sucking down caffeinated beverages in the early AM before the kidlings awaken from their bed and demand fodo, shelter, and clothing from me. My weekends are generally shot.

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