• Speed and Accuracy

    I'm assuming she didn't have to perform her outstanding typing skills with her feet or in that bathing suit during the contest. I don't know, though. This appears to be her ninth win.

    This makes me think of my grandmother. She was a 21 year-old mother of five when she got The Telegram during WWII - no skills, no high school diploma. The Army sent her to business school to learning typing and dictation to support all those fatherless children. I don't imagine it paid for much, but it did throw my war-widow grandmother in the path of a few unmarried professional men.

    That's how it was done, really. I seriously doubt Gram's typing skills netted that doctor she soon married. I believe she relied more on youth and an uncanny resemblance to Jane Russell. I also believe that's what the Army had in mind all along.

    Post-war, typing skills were many times the means to a happily married end. She'll tell you that herself. She'll also tell you the times called for being gainfully married, so it definitely mattered where a girl did that typing. Gram says she typed like the wind, but in the end it was more important which sweater she wore to the office. A mother of five had to be practical about such things.

    If you'd like to test your words-per-minute, try this online typing test. You'll be tested on your laptop rather than your Remington, but at least you don't have to wear a bathing suit.

    2 comments → Speed and Accuracy

    1. That's a great story about your grandmother. She sounds like a smart cookie with no illusions about how the world worked, and the craftiness to work the social structures.

      I have a great pair of Woodstock Electrite ads that blatantly illustrate the male-dominated office world.

      "If you had to do it yourself"
      Of course, he didn't have to do it himself, but if--god forbid--he did, this would be the typewriter for him. Or maybe not. Note that his electric typewriter is unplugged.

      "5 o'clock ready to go" tells women that the new Woodstock Electrite will make a pleasure of work and leave them "fresh as a flower".

    2. Love those ads! I need to scare up some more old magazines for such things. Gorgeous...and exemplary.

      Hey, Gram snagged a doctor and and college educations for all her kids. Not bad.

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