• Typewriter Glamour or How I'm Staying Off of Ebay This Morning

    Oh, I've been rummaging around a bit and find all sorts of glamorous oddities. Some gorgeous, some just plain entertaining. The first of the goodies is this Medieval Helpdesk video, and although it's subtitled, it's a scream.

    The glamour comes from Elizabeth O'Neil Photography and her old typewriter photos. She's asking readers to choose a favorite. Couldn't do it. I just wanted the typewriter.

    Typewriter: Relic of Wisdom is a little must-read. It just steels our resolve to, well, spend entirely too much money on old manual typewriters. Sometimes we have to give the whole collecting thing an elegant spin to make it all worthwhile. Tactile nirvana.

    Finally, a little thing I almost missed. It's a vintage childhood typecast and I wish I could get my hands on all the crazy business I typed as a little girl. I doubt ANYTHING I could find would be as plot driven as this little rabbit's daily schedule.

    There. It's Saturday and I'm in Complete Goof-off Mode. No telling what I'll find next.

    2 comments → Typewriter Glamour or How I'm Staying Off of Ebay This Morning

    1. Awesome. All of it is awesome. Love the help desk video, felt I'd been there before. And that rabbit's schedule: that is one busy bunny. Luckily he had time to write *horrible messages in blood*...

    2. Thanks for the shout-out! I didn't know that "typecast" was a term applied to things like Rabbit's Journal. I have more of them in my queue waiting to get posted -- my parents saved a lot of the things I typed as a kid. :-)

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