• Speaking of Fabulous Journals...

    Nearly done! from UPPERCASE gallery on Vimeo.

    Journals are popping out everywhere. Strikethru is taking submissions for a new retrotech journal that should be required reading for anyone who even wishes they owned an old typewriter. Visit and sign up to submit immediately - you'll want to be a part of this project.

    By Tuesday, the Vortex Magazine of Literature and Art will release its 200-page, full color glory on every undergraduate at the University of Central Arkansas. As the faculty adviser to the publication I have to say this is the most stunning issue ever, so get ready for the bragging. This staff headed by editor Abby Wolf is going to redefine undergraduate literary magazines. And more.

    The GORGEOUS magazine in the video should be ready to send almost any day now. I'll be watching my mailbox and tapping my good foot in anticipation, because UPPERCASE looks like a visual vacation, dessert, and sweet dream all rolled into one. Here's the description:

    We're inquisitive: learning from other artists, illustrators, designers,
    photographers, filmmakers and musicians, whether they're upstarts or icons,
    famous or shy, verbal or visual.

    We're inspired: enchanted by great ideas and strange inventions; by colour and pattern; things fancy and frugal; the charm of vintage in a modern life; the ridiculous and the sublime.

    We're adventurous: traveling to destinations both real and imagined, peeking into creative spaces and discovering magnificent people and memorable places.

    We're eclectic: curating souvenirs, collecting treasures and celebrating the extraordinary in the everyday.

    We're playful: delighting in visual amusements, intelligent distraction, entertaining wordplay and sweet indulgences.

    We're UPPERCASE: a magazine for the creative and curious!

    Color me completely charmed. How can any of you resist?

    If there's a journal or magazine out there that no one should do without, please let us know. This is the Season of Fresh Publications - better than Christmas, twice as good as Thanksgiving, and you don't have to eat mysterious casseroles.

    3 comments → Speaking of Fabulous Journals...

    1. I'd love to see a copy of the UCA journal youall've been working on. Are they being sold?

    2. What Strikethru said. Or, does the UCA journal have a website?

      Love Uppercase!

    3. As soon as finals are over next week I'll send out the copies of the Vortex. Email me with your address, ladies!

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